Terminator Salvation

When I first saw this movie was coming out, I thought what I always think about sequels, "Oh crap not another one." And then I saw Christian Bale was in it, so of course, I had to see it. I LOVE Christian Bale. But, I cannot go into that right now because this is supposed to be about the movie.

Anyway, I am a huge fan of the James Cameron Terminator series, which includes 1 and 2. The third one I have not seen and really don't think I need to. This fourth Terminator movie was directed by McG who is best known for directing the latest Charlie's Angels movies and producing one of my favorite shows, Supernatural.

In this installment, the dreaded future that the Conners were trying to prevent in the first couple movies is happening. Skynet and the machines have taken over the globe and The Resistance (group of human warriors) is trying to stop them with John Conner as the leader. Conner is trying to find a way to stop the machines while also trying to find Kyle Reese who we found out after the first Terminator movie is Conner's father. Also introduced in this story is a terminator that looks like a human but does not realize he is a machine - he still thinks he's human. He is trying to help Reese find Conner and later finds out interesting information about himself! So everyone is running around trying not to get killed by the machines and looking around for everyone else. Pretty good time!

I thought the movie was fantastic. It keeps you involved, the action sequences and visual effects are great and most of the actors are top notch, especially Sam Worthington as the human-ish terminator and Anton Yelchin as Kyle Reese. Christian Bale is always great in my book, but Bryce Dallas Howard seems miscast and is just kind of there in her role as Conner's wife. Anyway, what I liked the most about this film is how it ties in with what happened in the first couple films and how everything comes full circle. However, if you have not seen the first two films, you may be kind of lost as to what is going on, so I recommend renting them first.

Stars *****

1 Response to "Terminator Salvation"

  1. The Porters says:
    February 10, 2010 at 7:15 AM

    YAY! A new movie review! Can't wait to see the movie. And I love your banner!

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