
Ah, zombie movies. Gruesome, silly, addicting. Sorry, I love the movie Dawn of the Dead!
However, these movies always seem to have the same formula: someone catches this disease or virus that turns them into a flesh-eating monster and then they bite other people and create more flesh-eating monsters and then everybody is a flesh-eating monster.

Except for a select few who, somehow out of all the other people in the world, remain safe and spend the movie defending themselves and sheltering up in a mall or playground.

Hello Zombieland! Jesse Eisenberg (Adventureland) plays Columbus, a neurotic, socially awkward loner trying to survive the zombie apocalypse. He attributes his ability of staying alive to following 31 specific rules he has made up along the way. A couple include cardio (staying fit so you can out-run zombies), double-tapping (taking time to shoot a zombie twice to make sure they're dead), and beware of bathrooms (when you're the most vulnerable!). We are reminded of the rules many times throughout the movie and I took notes...just in case!
Columbus soon runs into Tallahassee (Woody Harrellson) a bad-ass zombie hater with a soft spot for Twinkies. Instead of using their real names they call each other by the cities they are from or are heading to. So off they go driving to nowhere really, Tallahassee stopping at random grocery stores trying to find himself a Twinkie. At one stop they are conned by a young woman (Emma Stone) and her little sister (Abigail Breslin) who steal their vehicle and guns. They see these two girls later in the movie and they all decide to road trip together, their destination - Pacific Playground, duh! Because that's where you go in a zombie movie, an amusement park or a mall.

But all movie cliches aside, Zombieland is great entertainment! It's not your typical zombie horror-flick. Instead it provides a lighter, slapstick humor take on the genre. Eisenberg and Harrellson have great comedic chemistry. Stone plays her role as a sexy/kick-ass con effortlessly. Breslin is good too, surprisingly, since she usually acts in more dramatic roles.

My favorite part is when the foursome are looking for a place to crash in Hollywood and decide on Bill Murray's mansion and find that he is still alive! They hang out with him, watch Ghostbusters and play with proton packs. Probably the best cameo in movie history!

Watch it!

Stars *****

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