Horrible Bosses

I didn't see my boss in this movie, did you? Just kidding! I don't know if many of us can relate to the three employees in this movie and their bosses. But the actors who play these horrible bosses are in top form.

First we have Kevin Spacey, president of the company Nick, (Jason Bateman) works for. Nick hopes to snag the vice president spot and has a good chance since he is a good employee and comes to work early every morning and stays late just like the boss asks him to. But one morning he shows up 2 minutes late and Kevin Spacey is furious. He tells Nick that he doesn't feel he would be right for the job, even though he has been hinting for months that Nick would get the job, and makes himself VP. Yes, he is now president and vice-president.

Then we have Jennifer Aniston, a dentist who is constantly sexually harassing engaged Dale, (Charlie Day) her dental assistant, every day. She insists that they must have sex before Dale runs off and gets married. She calls him in to her office to tell him this in her doctor's jacket. Wearing only her doctor's jacket. Most guys might love to have a boss like this, but Dale does not. Especially when Aniston suggests Dale and her have sex on top of his fiance while she is gassed in the dentist's chair!

Last we have Donald Sutherland, a great old boss that Kurt, (Jason Sudeikis), loves and respects. He takes care of his employees and runs the business well, Kurt sees him as a father figure. However, Sutherland dies and his son, (Colin Farell) becomes the new boss. He wants to down-size and fire veteran employees to pay for his cocaine addiction and partying. He wants Kurt to fire them for him. Oh, and of course he hates Kurt because of the good relationship Kurt and his father had, and makes his life hell.

So these three employees are friends, and over beer one night, they complain about their horrible bosses. They can't quit their jobs, for fear of not being able to find other ones, so they jokingly suggest to kill their bosses. This soon becomes less of a joke, and the only option for any of them to survive their jobs. So they decide to find a hitman, because they don't feel they can murder their bosses themselves.

They venture to the "bad side of town" to find a hitman. I mean, that's how you find hitmen right? Go to a scary looking bar and announce that you need one. Jamie Foxx volunteers for the job and tells them he will kill their bosses for $5,000. They bring him the money, only to find out that he expects them to kill their bosses themselves, the money is paying for his advice on how to kill them. The guys get even more anxious and fear they will get caught because the cops will trace the murders back to each of them. So, Jamie Foxx convinces them to kill each other's bosses. He tells them they need to follow them to learn their habits, schedules, anything they can gather to kill them properly. What follows is ridiculous, but hilarious adventures, including two of them accidentally getting high off of cocaine, and one of the bosses actually shooting and killing one of the other bosses!

I absolutely loved this movie. All the main characters are great, especially Charlie Day as Dale, the dumbest and silliest of the three guys, and Kevin Spacey is perfect as a jealous, arrogant maniac. Jennifer Aniston is equally as good as a seductive and manipulative nymphomaniac. I have to say, I like her better in a comedy when she is not the main character and it's not a romantic comedy.

However, I was disappointed with the ending. I think it dragged on for too long and there is a point in the movie where it could have ended, but they had to try to get in another laugh. I think it is pretty obvious, but as a whole, the movie was great. Original and funny, with a great cast.

Stars: *****

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