Coming Attractions: Eclipse

Yes, the third installment of the Twilight series comes out in just a little over two months (June 30). (Insert teenage girls screaming here.) Oh, who am I kidding, whoo hoo!

Now, I can't say that the two previous movies are anywhere near oscar-worthy, but they do satisfy a desire to see Stephanie Meyer's characters put into motion on the big screen. Not to mention the eye candy of our two leading men, Edward the vampire and Jacob the werewolf vying for the heart of Bella the human.

In this story, Bella (Kristin Stewart) has Edward (Robert Pattinson) back and life slowly slips back to normal as she nears her graduation day and hopes that Edward will change her soon. But Jacob (Taylor Lautner) is not happy with that deal and tries to convince Bella that she would be much happier with him. While Bella struggles with her feelings towards both guys, Victoria, the vengeful vampire who has been hunting Bella, is creating an army that will force vampires and werewolves to work together to save Bella and the community of Forks.

This movie is sure to have a lot more action than the previous movies, but I think the audiences will be glad that Edward will be present more in this film. David Slade is the director for this installment and I am anxious to see how his film will turn out. He directed a fantastic film called 30 Days of Night in 2007 about vampires, so he is familiar with the genre!

Watching these movies is fun, but I highly recommend reading the Twilight book series in addition to watching the movies, they are wonderful!


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