
This movie came out in 2008 and was directed by Mark Palansky, kind of a newcomer to the directing world. According to (best site ever!) he has directed a handful of films, Shutter being the only other one I had heard of. For not having that much experience, I think he did a pretty good job on this movie.
It stars Chirstina Ricci, James McAvoy, Reese Witherspoon and Catherine O'Hara.
The story is about a pig-nosed girl named Penelope (Christina Ricci). Poor Penelope! It wasn't her fault to be born with a pig nose! Because of a wrong her great-great-great (and a couple more of those) grandfather committed to a witch's daughter, a curse was put upon his family, the wealthy Wilherns. The curse was that the next daughter born in his lineage would be born with a pig face and the only way to break the spell is "for one of his own kind to claim the daughter as one of their own til death do they part."
Years and years and years later, Penelope is born. To avoid exposure to the outside world, Penelope's parent's fake their infants death and keep her hidden in their house.
She grows up and Penelope's mother (Catherine O'Hara), decides it's time to break this spell and find Penelope a wealthy young man to marry her daughter so her face will be normal.
All the men that see Penelope freak out and run at the sight of her. Enter James McAvoy! Could he be the one to love Penelope for who she really is and break the spell? Is that what will break the spell?
Penelope can't take not being out and about in the world so she runs away from home and the adventure really begins! I don't want to reveal too much more.
Though this is a fairy tale story, it never feels like a children's movie although it is appropriate for their age level.
I liked this movie very much! The actor's bring out the characters each very uniquely. Christina Ricci is perfect in this part and her and James McAvoy have a very cute chemistry. Catherine O'Hara, who I love, is hilarious as her crazy and a bit over-bearing mother. Reese Witherspoon is very cute as her Vespa-driving quirky friend. The mood of the story kind of reminds me of the movie Enchanted. It is very sweet and very light. The scenes kind of remind me of a Tim Burton movie, very bright and colorful!
The story flows along very nicely until the end. I kind of felt like everything wraps up pretty quickly and the outcomes are VERY predictable, but not in a bad way. Sometimes it's nice to watch a simple movie that's fun and makes you feel happy after watching it! So if you have some girlfriends over or maybe some nieces around I think this would be a movie that you would all enjoy. Guys - maybe not so much, but definitely a cute date movie. It is a good movie to remind us that beauty is more than a pretty face and that we should love ourselves the way that we are!

Stars *****


Anyone who knows me knows I love movies. I love watching movies, I love talking about movies, I love movie trivia! My dream has always been to become part of the show business world somehow. But some dreams are best left to our imaginations. I don't think Hollywood would ever be the world that I've seen in my head.

But, I will not give up on that dream, maybe someday I will be brave enough to try it. For now, I will be an amatuer movie critiquer. Every day or every week (however industrious I feel!) I will be critiquing different movies on here. If you ever have any suggestions, questions or comments on movies I have seen or should see please feel free to let me know.

I am excited to get this blog started!